Fitness activity that gets bodiesmoving and brains working.
Pair up stackers and give each pair a set of Speed Stacks. Spread the stacker pairs around the activity area with a minimum arm distance apart from other pairs. One stacker from each pair starts as the stacker, in a down position with their hands flat on the floor, and the other stacker as the ‘exerciser’, standing in front of their partner ready to perform an exercise or specified movement activity.
On the ‘go’ signal the stacker starts stacking the designated pattern while the exerciser performs a specified movement. The stacker counts how many times they do the pattern, while the exerciser performs the specified movement. After 20-60 seconds, the stop signal is given and the stacker and exerciser exchange their counts and switch roles. Continue, change stacking patterns and movement activities.
SEL helps strengthen the mind-body connection and center mental, social, and emotional health along with physical health.
Comprehensive framework for educators to deliver high-quality instruction and makes a positive difference in the health and well-being of every student.
Standard | Description |
S2.E2.8 | Identifies the heart as a muscle that gets stronger with physical activity. |
S3.E5.2 | Uses communication skills to negotiate roles and responsibilities in a physical activity setting. |
S4.E2.3 | Lists ways that movement positively affects personal health. |
S4.E5.8 | Identifies physical activity opportunities outside of physical education class. |