Race around the track for partner fitness fun.





  • One set of Speed Stacks for each stacker pair
  • One set of Speed Stacks Stack Spots


Create a large oval randomly placing fitness and stacking spots along with sets of Speed Stacks cups in the center of the activity area. Pair off stackers and designate one as the Pit Crew member (inside the oval) and one as the Driver (outside of the oval).

How To Play

On the ‘go’ signal, the Drivers race around the perimeter of the oval performing a predetermined locomotor movement while Pit Crew members stack a predetermined stacking pattern. On the instructor’s “Pit Stop” signal, the Drivers find their partner Pit Crew and switch roles. During the race the instructor calls out different stacking patterns for the Pit Crew to perform and alternate locomotor movements for the Drivers.


  • Stackers must make sure the proper stacking techniques and patterns are followed.
  • All fumbled cups must be fixed properly.
  • Drivers may pass other drivers, but crashes are not allowed.


  • Integrate ball handling skills for the Drivers (basketball, soccer balls).
  • Instruct Drivers to race a set number of laps before switching with the Pit Crew member.

Social Emotional Learning Alignment (SEL)

SEL helps strengthen the mind-body connection and center mental, social, and emotional health along with physical health.

  • Taking Turns
  • Respect For Others
  • Communication
  • Social Engagement

Shape Standards

Comprehensive framework for educators to deliver high-quality instruction and makes a positive difference in the health and well-being of every student.

S2.E2.4 Combines movement concepts with skills in small-sided practice tasks, gymnastics and dance environments.
S3.E2.2 Actively engages in physical education class in response to instruction and practice.
S4.E1.3 Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher-directed activities.
S4.E2.1 Follows the rules & parameters of the learning environment.


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