Team-based activity designed for movement and motor skill activation.
Begin by placing each team’s set of Jumbos in the center of the gym. In this example we’re going to set up the relay as a starburst design. Next, place a downstacked 3-3-3 starting three feet away from the center Jumbos. Space cups evenly apart and set cones or markers around the outside perimeter to represent the starting line for stackers.
On the ‘go’ signal, the lead stacker upstacks the 3-3-3 pattern advancing toward the center Jumbos. Once the Jumbos are reached, the stacker takes one Jumbo and sets it on the ground, then runs back to tag the next stacker in line. The next stacker downstacks the 3-3-3 pattern and sets the next Jumbo cup on top of the previous one, stacking them end-to-end creating a tower. This pattern is repeated until all Jumbos are stacked in tower form. Remember, prior to reaching the Jumbos, each stacker is either upstacking the 3-3-3 or downstacking the 3-3-3 pattern, not both. Once the final Jumbo is placed, completing the tower, team members raise their hands in the air signifying their team’s completion.
SEL helps strengthen the mind-body connection and center mental, social, and emotional health along with physical health.