Minis are big time fun in small places. 2 ½ times smaller than regular Speed Stacks, Minis now come with a quick release carrier and four cool colors in every set. But don’t let their small size fool you - they will test your stacking skills and provide a fine motor skills challenge.
Minis are big time fun in small places - on a book, on your skateboard or on an airline tray table. They're also great for toting along when competition sized Speed Stacks won't fit into your backpacks, suitcases or pockets. Most importantly, Minis are another fun way to keep kids stacking.
With Minis, kids can develop a unique finesse, speed and confidence that sharpens their fine motor skills and sequencing abilities while also giving them important skills that are transferable to competition Sport Stacking*.
Dimensions: Each cup is 1 1/2".
9.99i love love love the mini speed stacks
-- mackenzie d
good but, there so small. So it's easy to make a fumble.
-- Bin H
These are for-fun cups, and they keep you primed for the big ones!
-- Colton Y
Love the cups they are quiet enought to be used any time.The mat is okay but can they please update it so a gen 3 timer can secure on to it, just like the regular gen 3 mat? You can still set the gen 3 timer on it, but it can slide around while your stacking or stopping the timer.
-- Michael F
the mini cups are so fun to play with and they are perfect to practice speed so you can apply that speed on the big cups!they are also awesome for travelling and when you are bored!
-- svetlana z
great fun for the whole family easy to learn. i just got pint size pinks today and i reccomend them to anyone!
-- autin m
I love love love these! I have the green ones and they are my first speed stack product! Only been practising for an hour and I've already got the hang of it! So much fun and speeds up time too! (No pun intended)
-- Melissa F
Minis are the greatest!!! to me they're even better than regulars. Regulars are okay but the pint sized cups can be brought anywhere! I even tried stacking on an airplane and when we're on a long car ride or sometimes even on a book on the library(cause they're to small to be heard)!
-- Nathan B
i love love love love love love love them. fastest in my class!!!!i ma only 8!!! caught up fast. i even know the cycle!!!!! great at it:) ;)
-- addie m
Minis are the BEST. They keep you coming every time. One Speed Stacks Product that keeps you practicing anytime,anywhere... :)
-- Jan Kyle F
They are so easy to bring with you.They are harder to stack but great fun learning how to stack with smaller cups.I realy want to get more.I hope you can buy them in wild colours soon .
-- adam d
Minis are very fun and portable. Once they're broken in they're a dream, especially the green ones. I highly recommend to anyone.
-- Jared B
He minis are a little hard but really fun I think that every stacker should have them. My record is 5.89 and fr some reason after I used the minis my time went down to 5.46! I am from Idaho and I have the state record and it's cause of the minis. They are also inexpensive so get them now. :)
-- Carson N
I'm only nine but I did mini stacks in p.e. and they are the best and most cute cup stacks. Ever
-- lauren l
I just bought a new set a few weeks ago and I can't put them down.i love them a lot but I wish there was more colors.
-- Carson N
The minis are so challenging and fun! Plus, I can bring them everywhere. I can't wait to get some more.
-- Mary W
Minis are the BEST!!!!!! i broke 2 school records using the minis! they are awesome ! they are so small you got to love them you know. they are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are so much easier and funner then the bigger cups!!!!!
-- Kayla P
The mini cups are cool, and you can take them everywhere. The only problem is they are harder to stack and control, but over all the cups are good.
-- Nate W
My daughter loves these so much! The cups are so cute and challenging. It definitely brings a whole new level to stacking. She really wants mini solars though, I hope you can bring those back anytime soon. Anyway, thank you speed stacks!
-- Cenona B
the minis are so awosme i love the colors of them i hope i get more
-- madison s
mini speed stcks are fun and quite entertaining and i enjoy them greatly being able to play with them i am looking for a tremendous challenge.
-- Carlos J
Mini stacks are so fun. I love beating my sister at mini stacks. I can take it where ever I go, like to school, on my binder, even my pocket. I hope I can get more.
-- Carolina F
These tiny cups offer a whole new challenge when it comes to stacking. My kids love playing with these seeing who can get the fastest times. There are a lot of youtube videos with very fast times for these and its fun to watch them try to get faster.
-- Tara C