Activate your stackers’ hands andminds with this fun activity.
Place tables so stackers can easily move around the table’s perimeter. Place stackers two to a table on opposite sides diagonally across from each other with their cups downstacked and hands resting on the table. Designate one stacker as the ‘Hound’ and the other as the ‘Rabbit’.
On the ‘go’ signal, each stacker upstacks and downstacks their set of cups. Once they’ve completed the set pattern, stackers rotate clockwise to the next set of cups and repeat the stacking pattern. The object is for the Hound to catch the Rabbit as they stack around the table. The Rabbit’s goal is to not get caught by the Hound. Once the Hound catches the Rabbit or vice versa they’ll switch roles.
Each student places their own cups in columns of 3 in a large square on the floor with each column about 5 feet apart on each side. When the teacher says, “Go,” the student goes to each set of cups and upstacks them and then goes back around the square again to downstack them. The teacher can have students time themselves or race a student at another square.